Shiitake can prevent HPV virus

Mushrooms are not only nutritious and low in calories but they also contribute to the prevention of cancer caused by HPV in women.

Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a common and highly contagious virus. They infect through thin skin areas such as the cervix, mouth or throat.

Picture 1 of Shiitake can prevent HPV virus AHCC in shiitake fungi prevents infections caused by HPV in women.(Photo:

More than three-quarters of women are infected with the virus and may be infected with some strains of HPV that cause cervical cancer.

According to US research, scientists found the Hexoza correlation compound (AHCC) found in shiitake mushrooms. It is known that this compound can prevent cancers related to HPV virus.

When tested on white mice, AHCC showed that it was possible to kill HPV within 90 days and reduce cervical tumor growth.

Professor Dr. Judith Smith, Texas Medical University said: 'AHCC has the potential to treat infectious diseases caused by HPV'.

Scientists also said that AHCC can be used to prepare a supplement, used as an alternative to HPV vaccine. Because AHCC acts as an immunotherapy. They use the human immune system to fight disease.