Shocking research on demons,

Why do so many people believe in demons? The following article will answer this question for you.

>>> Story of "evil harassment" and scientific explanation

The concept of the devil comes from the spiritual world that appears when the script is born or even more ancient through word of mouth. But for a long time, science has clearly and decisively affirmed: There is no scientific evidence to explain the existence of demons. So, how do we explain the wise people believe, they saw or felt a ghost? What are some scientific and anomalous explanations for ghost sighting?

Picture 1 of Shocking research on demons,
The famous ghost image 'Brown Lady'.(Photo: Foxnews)

There are quite a few explanations for seeing ghosts. Researcher Loyd Auerbach, author of many books on ghost stories, is a believer in demons and has investigated ghost sightings for 30 years. However, he admitted that the vast majority of ghost stories can be explained by natural phenomena . The first reason is the psychological state of people .

"People are easily obsessed with watching too many television shows or their lives are happening badly , " said Auerbach. "Sometimes people confuse because they are in a sensitive situation. Therefore, they assign a boring event with important meanings."

Maybe a normal natural phenomenon or a combination of different phenomena may lead to a "ghost" . For example, research from the 1970s shows that ultra-low frequency electromagnetic fields can excite parts of the brain and result in ghost stories.

"I met the case, a family moved to a house and in a special room, they had dizziness or a headache , " Auerbach said. "They saw the darkness coming out of the corner of their eyes."

Auerbach investigated and discovered the house just below the high-voltage line - emitting electromagnetic fields and cries at low frequencies."This frequency causes your eyeball to vibrate and you will see everything as if it is coming out of the corner of your eye."

Picture 2 of Shocking research on demons,
The devil is under the imagination of Hollywood filmmakers

Noise at low frequencies, called hypoechoic sounds, can also create feelings of fear and anxiety. Auerbach said: " Hollywood has known this since the 1950s. That's why horror movies have low frequency sounds."

In many cases, obsession is due to many seemingly supernatural factors when combined. For example, lowering the sound and electromagnetic waves only explain some indoor problems under high-voltage wires.

"Not only is the headache, the family also said, they will smell toxic as sulfur. They also announce a fire, burning the walls."

Further investigation, Mr. Auerbach found the house adjacent to the landfill. Methane gas rises from the ground."That's what they smelled and there's a lot of static electricity in the house that causes methane to catch fire."

Where people claim to have seen ghosts but have no psychological or energy element emitted, "ghost" is simply an optical illusion.

The most common is light reflected through windows or other reflective surfaces. There are also psychological phenomena of pareidolia - the tendency to explain a vague feeling is a familiar concept. For example, see a picture of a human face on the Moon's face, or see certain objects in the clouds or ghosts of loved ones in the darkness of the closet, .

Dante Centuori, at the Great Lakes Science Center, said he believes seeing ghosts is always the result of a natural phenomenon misunderstood. Even the phenomena we cannot explain, it simply assigns false meanings to things and phenomena.

"We are easy to make observations and perceptions , " Centuori said.

Illusion images are often the scientific explanation for seeing ghosts. In addition, there is psychology and according to some studies, electromagnetic waves affect the brain. But there is a huge gap in this topic because it can also be a real ghost, not an illusion.

When investigating cases of ghost sightings, researchers always pay attention to a completely non-mysterious phenomenon - pranks. Auerbach said it could be a joke of family members or children. Sometimes hoaxes have a different purpose and try to deceive investigators.

Auerbach said: "I ask what people want from the investigation. If they want to sell the story to the filmmakers and make a lot of money, I will not participate."

Picture 3 of Shocking research on demons,
Ghost photo at famous Gettysburg

Even if all the physical and psychological factors cannot be explained, the demonic phenomenon is caused by forces that we don't understand yet. Robert Schoch, professor of natural sciences at Boston University, USA, studied the relationship between brain waves and geomagnetic waves. Professor Schoch cited the phenomenon of family members seeing a "ghost" of a distant relative at the time of his death. "Some people will assume this is a coincidence," Schoch said. "But there have been statistical studies on this phenomenon that made it no longer a coincidence."

According to Schoch's hypothesis, it's not a ghost. Instead, this phenomenon may be a kind of extrasensory perception that we cannot measure. Professor Schoch is studying whether certain emotional state brain waves can be transferred between humans over long distances over low frequency wavelengths - similar to the wavelengths detected in Earth's geomagnetic fields. or not?

Professor Schoch said, he still believes that discovering these phenomena is valuable work."When you get rid of all the crap and bogus stories (up to 95%), there's still something that seems real."