There are many strange things in the orbit of the Sun that astronomers have not yet liked. Here are 10 unexplained natural phenomena in our Solar System.

It is known that aurora is considered one of the most beautiful natural phenomena on the planet - it is

Meteor shower or eclipse are astronomical events in 2017 that Vietnamese people can observe.

Tomorrow, part of the world will witness the biggest total solar eclipse in 16 years. The natural phenomenon that humans now understand is the subject of countless mystical

Storms and tropical depressions (NTDs) are quite familiar words to people when unusual natural phenomena occur.

Baoxi Yang posted on Facebook video capturing the image of a rainbow-like, constantly changing cloud-like cloud that appeared above the Five Peaks, Shanxi, China.

Cold weather affects many people, but it is also the cause of interesting natural phenomena on Earth.

A particularly popular natural phenomenon occurs everywhere on our earth, it is thunder. It is a very strong aura and is ready to destroy everything it launches down.

Oceania is not only beautiful because of the wild landscape, it also has many interesting natural phenomena.

Storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions are natural phenomena that contain huge amounts of energy, which can cause catastrophic disasters for humans.