Rare aurora phenomenon occurs in the US

According to experts, this is an extremely rare natural phenomenon in the sky of the United States.

It is known that aurora is considered one of the most beautiful natural phenomena on the planet - it is a "great creation" between the Sun and Earth.

Normally, aurora only appears in the darkest area of ​​the Earth such as the North Pole and the South Pole.

Picture 1 of Rare aurora phenomenon occurs in the US
This aurora can be admired in some US states.

But according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), this time - residents in many northern American states such as Montana, North Dakota, northeast South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine can fully admire this "sky dance" .

According to experts, aurora is produced by the interaction of charged particles from the solar wind with the planet's upper atmosphere.

These bands of light constantly move and change, making them look like colored silk strips in the sky.

Picture 2 of Rare aurora phenomenon occurs in the US
Aurora phenomenon seen from space.

NOAA's expert also warned that this aurora phenomenon could interfere with Earth's magnetic field and cause a magnetic storm.

However, since magnetic storms are not strong enough, it is not possible to damage satellites or the electricity network on Earth.