Signs of liver cancer

The liver is the largest organ in the body and is responsible for eliminating some toxins from the body. It also stores and processes intestinal nutrients - a process necessary for performing various functions of the body.

When the cells in the liver multiply at an uncontrollable level, it leads to the formation of liver cancer tumors. The early detection of its signs and symptoms lessens the difficulty in early diagnosis and treatment.

To detect the disease, you should note:

- Watch for pain in the upper abdomen on the right side. That is the location of the liver.

- Yellow or white eyes may be a sign of jaundice. Jaundice usually originates from liver disease or obstruction of the bile duct. Both may be precursors or symptoms of liver cancer.

Picture 1 of Signs of liver cancer - Monitor, check for signs of continuous occurrence such as swelling of the abdomen or bloating.

- Signs such as vomiting, nausea, fatigue and weight loss should not be ignored. They may be a sign of liver cancer or another type of liver disease.

- Always remember that people who have a history of liver-related illnesses such as cirrhosis or hepatitis B or C have a higher risk of liver cancer than others.

- Right after being diagnosed with liver cancer, try to stop smoking and drinking alcohol immediately. It is the best opportunity to help you reduce the rapid development of the disease and have the effect of supporting treatment.

Binh Duong