Simple and easy to understand explanation of the existence of each individual in this world

The answer to the question: Do we exist?

This article is based on the personal opinion of Hannah Yang, an active member with questions with 9.7 million views on Quora, a student at Yale *.

How many triangles do you see in this photo?

Picture 1 of Simple and easy to understand explanation of the existence of each individual in this world
How many triangles in this picture?

Counting and counting, make sure the answer is: 4 baby triangles inside, 1 big triangle outside, a total of 5 triangles.

Now imagine, if you remove an outside baby triangle: for example, the upper triangle, remove it from the top of the overall shape. Like this:

Picture 2 of Simple and easy to understand explanation of the existence of each individual in this world
Discard the small triangle on the top.

When we do that, what will happen to the small triangle in the middle? Where did it go?

Do we exist?

One possible answer is: There is no "triangle" in existence . They are just the result of the context . When the circumstances around them change, such as the transformation of the triangle on the top - we immediately recognize that the middle triangle does not have "the characteristics of the triangle" (missing one side). So, " triangle" is just a temporary name or concept we assign to it.

Similarly, I and you or all the people present in the world, have definitions of themselves based on context - who we work with, where we grow up, what do we eat this morning .

Picture 3 of Simple and easy to understand explanation of the existence of each individual in this world
The existence of each person, things, things . based on context and countless causes.

If, we remove the causes and circumstances that make up the person of today, getting things about "me" and "you" will be empty and vague as the triangle on top disappears.

In a way, the way we exist is the same as the other triangular block - depending on and affecting each other. This is a simple explanation, easy to understand and not only true for people, but all things and things related to you. Pretty interesting right?