Singapore will create houses for people with 3D printing and assembly technology like Lego

Homes created with 3D printing technology, assembled, piled up like Lego blocks, are being studied in Singapore. The purpose of the project is to use machines to build houses for the elderly here with a fast time, low cost without depending on the source of foreign workers. It is known that concrete 3D printing technology is still in the development and testing phase.

Basically, the way to do this is to use the technique of printing 3D objects in layers similar to the common 3D printers, however the use of concrete as ink also encounters certain difficulties. Previously, many projects in the world have been implemented to find ways to print concrete works with 3D printing technology.

Picture 1 of Singapore will create houses for people with 3D printing and assembly technology like Lego
Concrete 3D printing technology is still in the development and testing phase.

In this project in Singapore, not all components of the house are 3D printed but in fact, only the main structural details are printed. Singapore 3D printing technology development center, the leader of the project, said it has successfully built 3-bedroom buildings by prefabricating components to build prefabricated buildings. The unprintable components are still made using traditional methods. However, they believe that it is necessary to develop a new type of concrete and add new printers to make this project a reality.

Chua Chee Kai at Singapore 3D printing technology center said: "There are huge challenges in home printing. We have to develop everything from the beginning. The construction industry is often very conservative, built. It seems that the last industry is testing something new. " However, they claim that 3D printing houses (exactly one part of 3D printing) will be ready for use within three years if they verify their safety.

Picture 2 of Singapore will create houses for people with 3D printing and assembly technology like Lego
Changes in design also become simpler just by adjusting on computer software.

Although still in its infancy, Singapore's project is very promising because it can create similar houses on an industrial scale with low cost, fast time, and too little use. labor and ensure effective quality control. On the other hand, changes in design also become simpler just by adjusting on computer software. And besides civil housing construction, 3D printing technology can also be used to build military buildings or medical facilities in the future.

Video introducing projects of Singapore 3D printing technology center: