Sisters of the psychic predicted coldness in 2018

The infamous twins sister Terry and Linda Jamison correctly guessed that many events this year revealed their shocking predictions about a chaotic 2018.

These two psychic sisters are also known as The Psychic Twins . The couple claimed to have seen the 9/11 terrorist attacks and talked to the soul and.

This year they said they had seen events like terrorism in Las Vegas, New York, and London until the earthquake in Mexico and.

Terry and Linda Jamison said they were controlled by the spirits and held their hands in writing strange messages.

Picture 1 of Sisters of the psychic predicted coldness in 2018
The two psychic predicted 2018 will be very chaotic.

In the exclusive Daily Star interview Online extrasensory twins have revealed their predictions about 2018.

Specifically, Terry and Linda Jamison said: "From unprecedented super typhoons and disasters in the West to terrible terrorist attacks from lone wolves and the biggest cyber attacks. history, 2017 is a stormy year, and now both of us are seeing the wobble in the next few years . ".

The two espers say that the turmoil of the 2017 events will last until 2018, such as the scandal of sexual harassment, massive cyber attacks and natural disasters.

But more worrisome is the rebel attacks by IS rebels across Europe with big plots aimed at New York, Washington DC and London that "are hard to beat".

"We see the terrorist attacks of IS and al-Qaeda are increasing in Europe and other continents by 2018. Terrorist attacks will continue to occur around the world when they lose their rights. control and areas controlled by them shrink , "the couple said.

According to two psychic, terrorist groups and lone wolves will focus on attacking markets, shopping centers, churches, schools, sports events, hotels, theaters and airports. Transport systems are also targeted.

In addition, two psychic also see the high risk of incidents and shootings across the United States.

Picture 2 of Sisters of the psychic predicted coldness in 2018
Pair of telepathic twins Terry and Linda Jamison.

In particular, the hottest news in 2017 is the threat of a new world war on the Korean peninsula when the country and the United States continually threaten each other.

The extrasensory twins said that they felt increased tension but also had good news.

"We see (North Korean leader) Kim Jong-un continues to risk intimidating the US. US allies will intervene to ease the situation. But we feel uncertain about a rocket. Nuclear will hit the US during the term, "the two psychic said.

Terry and Linda Jamison also forecast the weather will be more severe globally in 2018. Many strong and dangerous storms will continue to occur and threaten coastal areas.

Finally, there are some extreme news including interesting innovations in technology, inventions, robots and medical technology. Many medical breakthroughs will bring hope to millions of people suffering from chronic health problems .