The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

As the newly published document of the CIA recognizes, do you believe it?

The recently published new document shows psychic, "magician" Uri Geller has been tested by his CIA for his spiritual abilities in a week-long test program.

Picture 1 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities
"Teacher" Uri Geller has been tested by his CIA for his spiritual abilities in a week-long test program.

On one day in August 1973, at the Stanford Research Institute, Mr. Geller was rigorously tested by tests to see if he really had that spiritual ability. These experiments belong to a (scandalous) project named Stargate Program .

First test

The CIA has chosen any word in a large dictionary, one word can be easily expressed in pictures. With the first word "fuse" (meaning bomb, fuse circuit .), the CIA staff drew a cannon.

Picture 2 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Mr. Geller, from another closed room, had guessed that the object drawn by the CIA was a cylindrical block of sound.

Picture 3 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Picture 4 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

The picture Geller drew was a drum with many other cylindrical shapes. Geller's two predictive efforts are in the two drawings above.

Second test

Picture 5 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Picture 6 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Another example is the word "bunch" , meaning a bunch, a bunch. The CIA staff drew a bunch of geller immediately thinking of "water droplets from the picture", then mentioned "small purple circles", then he drew a bunch of grapes. The number of grapes in both shapes is identical, 24 fruits.

Third test

Picture 7 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Picture 8 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Another experiment, Geller was locked in a closed room, the way the CIA staff performed a 45-meter test. The CIA drew a kite, and Geller drew a rectangle with diagonal lines across it.

The fourth test

Picture 9 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Picture 10 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

This time, the CIA drew a camel, Geller was unsure of his prediction but still made his first prediction under a horse's figure.

The fifth test

Picture 11 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Picture 12 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Next to testing the camel - the horse, the CIA drew a seagull. Mr. Geller, almost immediately, said he saw an image of a swan flying over a hill. He completed his prediction with drawings of a few birds, claiming that his drawings were completely accurate.

Sixth Test

Picture 13 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Following the experiment on camels, the CIA drew the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

Picture 14 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

From the closed room, this time Geller did not give his prediction. He drew a few curves and a few shapes in it and ignored the test this time.

Saturday test

Picture 15 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Geller also struggled with the drawing of a demon. Within half an hour of trying, he drew three answers: The Lord's commandments were placed on Earth and a trident was painted on the side; a worm came out from the apple, there was a snake next to it; The Ten Commandments, the Lord, a trident and some leaves.

Picture 16 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Picture 17 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Picture 18 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Test eighth

Picture 19 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

Picture 20 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities

In this final experiment, the CIA drew the Solar System and Geller gave an approximate drawing of the universe, some planets and a spacecraft.

Picture 21 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities
Uri Geller surprised the CIA and acknowledged his psychic abilities.

After a series of experiments, the CIA concluded that Geller "proved his mystical perceptive ability convincingly and clearly".

Picture 22 of The psychic is recognized by the CIA as having special abilities
CIA certification document.

The recently published confidential CIA documents show the details of the tests of special abilities behind the secret wall. Mr. Geller also said that being a person who regularly appears on television as an entertainment is a " very good cover" for secret collaborations with the CIA.

When asked if he had never been interviewed by MI6 (British Intelligence Agency), Geller did not give a comment.

Do you believe this result of the CIA?