Skyscrapers take people around the world for 24 hours

The Analemma Tower skyscraper, once built, will be "anchored" under a meteorite 50,000km from Earth and residents can enjoy the constantly changing scenery outside for 24 hours.

Picture 1 of Skyscrapers take people around the world for 24 hours
The building "plugged into the ground" is a bold project of the future.

According to Daily Mail, New York Clouds Architecture Office is confident in the plan to build the most unique skyscraper ever.

Specifically , Analemma Tower will be built from the sky to the ground, instead of being built on the ground as usual.

"Analemma Tower is a good example of using a planetary design strategy, creating the world's tallest building ever," the company representative said.

Picture 2 of Skyscrapers take people around the world for 24 hours
Analemma Tower is anchored with heavy-duty bearing cables.

In the design, the company uses a large cable car system, one end hooks into the asteroid while the other keeps the skyscraper from falling to the ground.

"Since this building is suspended in the air, it can be built anywhere in the world, then taken to the installation site" , Clouds Architecture Office shared on the website.

"According to the original plan, Analemma Tower could be built in Dubai, where the designers of skyscrapers cost only one-fifth of New York."

Picture 3 of Skyscrapers take people around the world for 24 hours
Asteroids have fixed shape orbit 8.

Although this daring plan encounters challenges such as finding a suitable meteorite to anchor the building, Clouds Architecture Office believes that this idea will soon become a reality.

"In 2015, the European Aerospace Agency launched a campaign to attract investment and exploit asteroids. NASA aims to arrest an asteroid in 2021 to prove its feasibility," the site said. Web site of the US architecture company said.

If built, skyscrapers will move in figure 8, based on asteroid orbit within 24 hours, bringing residents through major cities in the Northern and Southern hemispheres like New York, Havana, Atlanta and Panama.

Picture 4 of Skyscrapers take people around the world for 24 hours
Sketch the bold plan of Cloud Architecture Office.

At the top of Analemma Tower, the daytime period increases by 40 minutes due to the impact of the Earth's curvature.

In the design, Cloud Architecture Office not only wants to build a giant skyscraper, but also a city floating in the sky.

A large area inside the building will be designed to accommodate residents, making them feel at home. The office is located in the lower part while the rest is in the upper half.

Picture 5 of Skyscrapers take people around the world for 24 hours
Residents living in the building will not be allowed to go outside for safety reasons.

Residents also enjoy the artificial garden, which serves religious beliefs and dining areas.

The Cloud Architecture Office plans to make the most of the building's special location, with solar panels placed on the top floor to generate energy from sunlight.

Clean water is filtered from clouds and rainwater, ensuring the highest purity. Architects also consider designing glass doors of different thickness, suitable for pressure and temperature at certain heights.

However, residents will most likely not be allowed to go out in the air because of the harsh conditions."At 32,000 meters, the air is very thin, the temperature of 40 degrees Celsius will make people unable to go out without protective gear," Clouds Architecture Office said.