Small size animals feel time passes more slowly

Small body size animals have a higher metabolic rate, perceive time slower than humans, making them receive more information every second.

We often think that time is the same for all species, but according to a recent study published in Animal Behavior magazine, the problem of perceiving fast time slowly varies depending on the species.

Small animals with a fast metabolic rate (for example, flies or hummingbird relatives) perceive more information in a unit of time, which means they experience slower action than species with large body sizes, slower metabolism, including humans. The study was conducted by scientists from Trinity College Dublin of Ireland, the MNN page said.

Picture 1 of Small size animals feel time passes more slowly
Hummingbirds feel time passes more slowly than humans.(Photo: Flickr)

Even this change takes place in the same species. The author of the study shows that, for humans, some athletes can improve their eyes ability to track the movement of a ball during a match at high speed. Time perception also varies subtly with age, which helps explain why children feel time seems slower than adults.

"According to research results, the issue of time perception is an unprecedented aspect, we begin to understand that there is a level of detail about the world that only a few animals can feel. Yes, this is fascinating because of the way animals perceive our other world, ' said study co-author Andrew Jackson.

Jackson and his colleagues demonstrated this with a phenomenon called 'combined blinking frequency' based on the maximum speed of the flashing light that an animal could see before the light looked good. That is, continuous light is like the principle of the TV. This is why dogs find it difficult to see images on television, researchers point out that the dog's eyes have a higher image recognition rate than a TV screen, they perceive color. less than human.

The study was carried out on 30 different species from rodents, lizards and pigeons to dogs, cats and sea turtles. The author found that for animals with large body sizes, they perceive time to pass faster, while small groups of animals tend to feel slow motion , we should not underestimate the brain. of small insects and vertebrates.

'Animals can use the difference in the perception of time to send secret signals, many species like fireflies and some deep-sea animals communicate through flashing lights, predators unable to decode the signals if their visual system is not fast enough, this is a secret channel of communication , "said Luke McNally, a biologist participating in the study.