Snake appears in the queen's picture

In the portrait of Queen Elizabeth the first of England people saw her holding roses, but recently a snake suddenly appeared in the position of flowers.

Picture 1 of Snake appears in the queen's picture

Portrait of Queen Elizabeth First
and an illustration of the snake's appearance today. Photo: PA .

According to the Telegraph, the British National Portrait Center said an anonymous painter painted a portrait of Queen Elizabeth in the 1980s or 90s of the 16th century. National content since 1921, but it will appear in an exhibition in London from March 13 to September 26. The purpose of the exhibition is to illustrate the change in Queen Elizabeth's face over time.

Initially, the painting author drew a snake wrapped around the fingers of Queen Elizabeth First. But at the last minute the artist decided to remove the snake by coating and painting a rose in its place.

But the impact of the outside environment over hundreds of years caused the paint over the snake to disappear and it appeared.

In painting, sometimes people use snakes to illustrate wisdom, caution, and wisdom. But snakes are also associated with the image of Satan and sin. Thus, it is possible that the anonymous artist decided to delete the snake to avoid misunderstandings.

'The snake has a black body and blue-green scales. Clearly it is a product of imagination ', the National Portrait Exhibition Center declares.

The image of the first Queen Elizabeth is painted on the portrait of another woman. The identity of the woman has not been determined. The result of the x-ray of the woman's face is facing the opposite side of the queen. This person's head is in a higher position. Her eyes and nose were visible due to the paint on the queen's forehead.

The national portrait center shows that the unfinished painting was created by another artist. This shows the trend of drawing new works on old paintings by British artists in the 16th century.