Solar cell throughout

US researchers say that transparent solar panels will allow windows in homes and businesses to generate electricity while allowing people to look outside, according to UPI.

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Picture 1 of Solar cell throughout
Solar cell throughout

Experts at the University of California, Los Angeles say they have made a polymer solar cell that produces energy by absorbing mainly infrared light, up to 70% of the human eye.

Solar panels are made of photosensitive plastic that turns infrared light into an electric current but less sensitive to visible light, scientists say.

"These results open up the potential of building solar panels as components for handheld electronics, smart windows and solar integrated systems for buildings, as well as Other applications, ' said lead researcher Yang Yang, professor of materials science and engineering.

'Our new solar panels are made of plastic, lightweight and flexible. It is important that they can be produced in large quantities at a low cost , "Yang said.

References: Physorg