Solar energy will be bottled in the next 10 years

Swedish scientists have developed a special type of liquid that can be absorbed, packed into storage bottles for nearly two decades and taken out when needed.

According to the science alert, a special liquid that scientists from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden have done research over the past year is really a liquid molecule .

Picture 1 of Solar energy will be bottled in the next 10 years
Each bottle plays 1kg of liquid containing up to 250 watts.

Molecules including carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, when sunlight hits the bonds between atoms are rearranged and turned into a new version of energy storage.

Like trapped prey, solar energy is therefore stored even when the molecule cools. By winter, or at night, it will release energy in the form of heat.

Kasper Moth-Poulsen from Chalmers University said: "The energy in the liquid is stored for up to 18 years. When we extract energy and use it, we get an increase in temperature over expectation. wait".

Researchers expect this new finding to be widely applied to power homes, factories, and industrial parks in the next 10 years. Each bottle plays 1kg of liquid containing up to 250 watts, twice the Tesla's reserve energy.