Solar yacht crosses the Atlantic Ocean

The Swiss-built Sun21 has become the first boat in the world to run on solar power across the Atlantic Ocean.

The eight-man crew controlled the boat to visit Marin Harbor and Martinique Island (France) on February 2, after 63 days floating in the Atlantic Ocean.

The Sun21, 14m long, 6m wide, is fitted with 60m 2 solar panels to power the engine, following the historic sea route of explorer Christopher Columbus in the 15th century, departing from Chipiona port, Spain. The boat has a 5,000km long final stop without stopping for 30 days.

Dr. Martin Vosseler, a member of the crew, said the trip proved the era of solar energy utilization. Sun21 is expected to return to New York in May next year, after crossing the Caribbean Sea and Miami (Florida state, USA).

Picture 1 of Solar yacht crosses the Atlantic Ocean
The Sun21 runs on the river in Seville (Spain) - (Photo: AFP)