Sores affect the ability to think

A US study found that people with cold sores are more likely to decline their ability to think and remember, according to the Daily Mail on March 25.

Picture 1 of Sores affect the ability to think
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) causes cold sores - (Photo: Shutterstock)

Scientists tested the thinking and remembering ability of 1,625 people in New York City (USA), the average age is 69.

Subjects tested for blood to find the 5 most common types of infection virus are oral and genital herpes viruses, cytomegalo virus (causing many diseases from congenital abnormalities to pathological disorders) and chlamydia bacteria. Form of respiratory disease and stomach bacteria HP (helicobacter pylori).

They found that subjects with severe viral infections were 25% more likely to achieve poor grades in the mental function test.

The results are especially evident in women with low education levels and not practicing sports.

Research may lead to a way to identify those who are at risk of memory decline, according to Dr. Mira Katan of Columbia University Medical Center in New York City, who led the study. published in the journal Neurology.