South Korea: Again scandalizing scientific research

A senior official from the Korea Advanced Science and Technology Academy (KAIST) announced on March 4 that he will open a comprehensive investigation for scientist Kim Tae-Kook, who claims to have found the key. let people ' longevity be immortal .

The announcement came just days after KAIST decided to suspend work for Professor Kim Tae-Kookv due to his discovery of data in two groundbreaking studies published in Science magazine. and the famous Nature Chemicalbiology in 2005 and 2006.

Picture 1 of South Korea: Again scandalizing scientific research The above studies are expected to pave the way for the development of methods to detect and destroy selectively cancer cells without harming normal cells, while also preventing the Aging cells and prolonging human life.

'The disciplinary committee of the academy will consider to decide the discipline for him,' said a KAIST spokesman.

Earlier, in January 2006, Science magazine had to recall two articles from South Korea's Hwang Woo-Suk stem cell researcher after several studies of his stem cells were found to be fake. . Now this scientist is being tried by a court.

After publishing his first scientific report in Science in July 2006, Professor Kim once stated to a local newspaper: 'I want to become a Korean Hwang Woo-Suk'. . KAIST said they are currently unable to contact Kim and think he is in the United States.

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