Special conference of gold digging table on the universe

Researchers around the world have just attended a special conference held in Australia to discuss exploiting precious resources in the universe.

Gold digging researchers and space around the world gathered to the Australian Space Technical Research Center at the University of New South Wales, Sydney in the Forum for Extraction of Extraterrestrial Resources. Experts in mining, robotics, drilling and lawyers have shared their ideas on how to apply current technologies to controlling mining in space.

Picture 1 of Special conference of gold digging table on the universe

It is known that there are many organizations looking for ways to develop methods, machines that can gather resources from land, gravel, meteors . in the universe, but can be controlled from the Left land.

'These methods, if developed in the right direction, will be both safe and positive for the living environment on Earth' - Gordon Roesler, the project's chief engineer at the Space Technical Research Center Australia said.

In 2012, there were many projects with the ambition of bringing extra-terrestrial resources to Earth. For many people, the exploitation of resources is now even more important than research or space tourism. The benefits are obvious to everyone. Economically, gold in the universe is not only numerous, but its value is certainly much higher than that of the Earth. In addition, if exploited in the universe, they will be less hindered by the balance between economic benefits and environmental protection.

However, there are also many scientists who believe that people should quickly come up with a common set of rules, a unified framework for exploiting resources in the universe to ensure safety for the Earth, avoiding those conflict is not worth having in the future. Some even argue that even though the universe has not yet discovered life, the environmental problem still needs to be taken seriously to ensure that there are no incidents for Earth and humans.