Special 'reverse' filter: Only large objects are allowed to pass

Recently scientists have invented a new type of filter, with a complete reverse function and you will surely be unable to imagine the great application that this product brings to life.

The 'inverted' filter is mentioned not as solid as ever but a liquid membrane. Specifically, it is composed of sodium dodecyl sulfate (NaC12H25SO4) and water. These components will be joined together by surface tension.

Instead of operating on morphological characteristics but in particular the size of the filtered eye as a traditional product, this filter layer classifies objects with kinetic energy. Specifically, objects with large sizes and larger forces will pierce through this membrane. Meanwhile, small objects without enough force will be blocked. Of course, when the membrane was pierced, it would quickly resume to continue its function.

Picture 1 of Special 'reverse' filter: Only large objects are allowed to pass

The closest application of this type of reverse filter is the odor compartment at the toilet. In this case, the liquid membrane will still allow the human "waste" to pass through but prevent the bad smell from bouncing back upwards.

In addition, the invention could be used to produce small insect traps, especially flies. Not only that, the development team is also aiming to apply their products as protective films for surgical instruments, helping them to keep the cleanliness satisfactory.