Sperm adventure

Hello friends! My name is Sperm, indispensable companion throughout the life of a man. Although it is only the smallest cell in the body, I play a very important role in human life: Maintain the race.

Picture 1 of Sperm adventure

(Photo: TTT, VNE)

To be formed, I have to go through two stages, the cell division stage (occurring in the testicles) and the differentiation stage (occurring outside the testicle).

Cell division stage

This period begins when men enter puberty (averaging about 13-15 years). My ancestors were sperm cells that were in the spermatic tube. These are the zigzag small pipes found in the male testicles.

Each sperm cell contains genetic material (chromosome) similar to other cells in the body. Through cell division, a sperm cell will produce four sperm.

A special feature is that each sperm contains only half the genetic material, so that when fertilized (the combination of female sperm and eggs of a woman) occurs, an individual has normal genetic material. will be formed.

After finishing cell division, I'm just a round-shaped cell. Through a series of changes, I have a "handsome" look like now, including: The head, neck and a pretty tail. Then, along with the secretions from the vitreous tube and thanks to the contraction of the tube wall (at this time, I could not move on my own), I was transferred into the middle of the tube through some of the last sections. come in to the crest.

Stage of differentiation

After completing cell division, I was taken out of the testicle, into the epididymis. Crypto plays a very important role in my maturity. This is a tubular part, connecting the situation and the vas deferens.

At the epididymis, undergoing differentiation, including rearrangement of cellular components, contact with some special substances in the epididymis that I eventually became mobile. In addition, this is also where I received some substances that have a "protective" effect. At the moment, the first part contained only the genetic material (serving the fertilization process) in the form of maximum concentration, the tail made me able to move. The energy supplied to these activities is stored in the neck.

Factors affecting sperm

Many studies show that there are many factors that can affect my production process such as nutrition, temperature, and hormonal use. These factors can affect my robustness in many different levels: From little, weak, deformed to . completely missing. Therefore, experts recommend that a diet full of vitamins and minerals be maintained; Do not work too long in a high temperature environment, limit smoking, drinking alcohol .

Thus, I was born from the process of spermatogenesis, this process occurs in two places: In the testes (cell division) and in addition to the testes (differentiation). From a sperm cell, there will eventually be 4 complete sperms formed. The average time of this process is about 72 days. After that, we will store the last part of the crest, waiting until there is a sexual intercourse. A new adventure begins .