Stephen Hawkin - Curious child

Picture 1 of Stephen Hawkin - Curious child Born in 1942, Stephen Hawkin is an English theoretical physicist. As a young man, he studied mathematics and physics at Newton and Cambridge University, and at the age of 23 earned a doctorate, but later he developed motor neuron disease leading to total paralysis. The main area of ​​research is general relativity, especially the study of black holes, erasing the notion that black holes cannot be recognized. He developed and perfected the doctrine of cosmic explosion, devoted greatly to humanity to recognize the true face of the universe, and his popular book "Time of Simplified" is still far more popular. Readers read.

The child is curious

At 3 years old, Stephen Hawkin, his father gave him a train, which was his favorite toy, and then told his father:

"I like a train that runs!"

So he tried to satisfy Hawkin's desire, and he found a train that was powered by a rope, repaired and handed to Hawkin. This train has attracted Hawkin souls, sometimes playing all day without boredom. His mother thought: "Why is Hawkin so addicted to this kind of game machine?"

On the 8th birthday of Hawkin, just in time for his father to go back to America to work, he bought his sister a very beautiful cloth doll that closed his face and even cried and laughed, he really liked it. Hawkin wanted to know what his father bought him, he stared at the last big box that had not yet been opened and asked, "Where are you, my gift?" Father put a gift box in front of Hawkin, he opened the box: Heaven! It is a train that runs on a new raw rope, bought from the US, and has a nice button on the top and a track for the train to run. Hawkin was extremely happy, he looked at the emotional train, the more he looked, the better.

Not long after, during a railway model exhibition he discovered a train model running by electric line standing watching the train, watching it run like a railroad track, sometimes watching for hours and hours without know boredom

There was a telescope in the house, the morning of the morning, the whole family went to the grass in front of the house, using the night sky glasses to recognize the stars. Looking at the stars twinkling in the sky, in the head of Hawkin appeared many questions. Hawkin asked his father: "Why aren't heavenly stars falling?"

"Because the Earth and the Sun are just one of these stars. These stars revolve around each other in the Universe and form a magic universe."

"Where does the Universe come from?"

"Perhaps no one knows yet" - thoughtful father - "This question has exceeded the capacity of mankind".

"No, there must be an answer," thought Hawkin. He looked up at the sky and imagined himself flying in midair in sparkling stars .

The night was late, his parents went on vacation, Hawkin was still sitting there watching the high stars with many imaginary things . It was not until he called, Hawkin returned to the room, in the dream that Hawkin traveled in the air like he was seeking answers to what he wanted to know.

From that day on, Hawkin had fallen in love with the sky, and every night he took his father's glasses to observe every other star, when he was alone, he thought about what he was still wondering.

His father saw that boys like to observe the sky have found many books about the universe, including many paintings of stars, constellations and characters. Hawkin has just realized the word has flipped to see each page from book to book, he is increasingly interested in astronomical knowledge, determined to find the secrets in the universe.

Read: " Stephen Hawkin - Struggling with illness "