Stephen Hawking warned aliens could take over the Earth

The famous physicist said that it is necessary to be cautious when responding to aliens' signals because they can turn the Earth into colonies to exploit the material of the spacecraft.

Stephen Hawking , British theoretical physicist and cosmologist, once again warned about dangers if aliens contacted the Earth in CuriosityStream, CNET reported yesterday.

The famous physicist takes Gliese 832c , the extrasolar planet that can survive life only 16 light-years from Earth as an example to illustrate his idea.

"If extraterrestrial life evolves on Gliese 832c, someday, we can receive signals from the planet this way, but we should be cautious about responding. Meet an advanced civilization. Hawking was the same as the American natives encountering Columbus, and that encounter was not very good, " Hawking said.

Picture 1 of Stephen Hawking warned aliens could take over the Earth
Stephen Hawking was cautious about responding to aliens' signals.(Photos: Pinterest).

This is not the first time Hawking has been vigilant against aliens. In the documentary shown on Discovery Channel in 2010, he mentioned this risk.

"I imagine they can survive on the giant spacecraft after depleting all the resources from their original planets. These civilized aliens can become nomads to conquer and invade. taking any planet they caught, I think it would be reasonable to assume that they exploit all the new planets to get more materials to build more spacecraft and continue to move. Hawking said, " Hawking said.

Hawking's point of view stems from considering the roadmap of intelligent life on Earth. According to Hawking, if the same route is applied to aliens to humans, humans will inevitably suffer the consequences.

"We don't know aliens, but we understand humanity. If you look back on history, the encounter between humans and less intelligent organism organizations often becomes catastrophic in the way you look. Their confrontation between civilization holding high-end and primitive technology also brings bad results to the less advanced side, They can grow before us billions of years. they will be very strong and can treat us like bacteria, " Hawking concluded.

Hawking is also looking for aliens. In 2015, he launched a 10-year project to capture signals from near-Earth stars with powerful telescopes with support from the Royal Society of London.