Stephen Hawking predicts 3 risks of demise

Professor Stephen Hawking argues that the development of artificial intelligence, invasions of humans and aliens is the greatest threat to humanity's survival.

Picture 1 of Stephen Hawking predicts 3 risks of demise
Stephen Hawking is the world famous mathematician and physicist with research work on cosmic black holes.(Photo: Flickr / NASA)

Artificial intelligence

Stephen Hawking is one of more and more scientists expressing concern about artificial intelligence (AI), when they can be developed with intelligence equal to or even higher than humans. " The development of artificial intelligence could signal the end of mankind, "Hawking said in a BBC interview in December 2014.

The physics king's warning is similar to that of American billionaire Elon Musk, who calls the AI ​​"our greatest existential threat". The head of Space Exploration Technology Group SpaceX said that people need to be "careful" with artificial intelligence and at the same time call for national and international surveillance activities in this area.

Last month, Hawking, Musk and many other names signed a research draft on the dangers and benefits of AI. "AI has great potential, so it is important to study benefits and avoid possible fears," the scientists write.

However, researchers believe that mankind has not been able to develop highly intelligent AIs.


Hawking believed that, if the machine did not kill people, then we could cause ourselves to perish. The invasions will destroy the civilization of humanity.

When he arrived at the London Science Museum, he, a teacher named Adaeze Uyanwah from the United States, once asked him, "Which human defect do you want to change the most?"

Hawking replied: "What I want to change the most is human aggression. In the past, this could be a competitive advantage to get more food than expand territory or cooperate to produce. But Today, the invasion will kill us all. " For example, a nuclear war can destroy the civilization of humanity, destroy mankind.

With the question of the virtue of the person he wishes to continue to multiply, the physicist says it is empathy, because it will give us a more peaceful life. According to him, space exploration could pave the way for humanity's future.

Picture 2 of Stephen Hawking predicts 3 risks of demise
According to Hawking, aliens are one of three risks that can threaten human existence.(Photo: Live Science)


In 2010, Hawking once said that if alien life existed, it would not be good information for humans.

"If aliens visit us, I think the impact will be the same as when Christopher Columbus first set foot on the Americas, the landing was not very good for the Indians at the time," Hawking said when he Join a Discovery Channel program.

According to him, alien civilization can migrate now and there, seeking to conquer and invade any planet they approach.