Stephen Hawking warned that AI could completely replace people

Professor Stephen Hawking warned that the resurgence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the near future could threaten human survival.

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Professor Stephen Hawking, a famous theoretical physicist, predicts that AI will soon reach a level that makes it a new form of life that surpasses humans in a magazine interview Wired, Independent yesterday reported. Professor Hawking also emphasized that AI can completely replace people even though he did not provide a specific timeline.

Picture 1 of Stephen Hawking warned that AI could completely replace people
Professor Stephen Hawking repeatedly warned about the risks associated with AI.(Photo: Time).

According to Professor Hawking, a new space program should be developed to target colonizing suitable planets for human settlements."I believe we have reached a point where we cannot turn around. The Earth has become so small for humans. The global population is increasing at an alarming rate and we are facing the risk of self-destruction. " Mr. Hawking said.

This is not the first time Professor Hawking has shared concerns about the rapid development of AI. In October last year, he warned that AI could form their own will against human interests. It can stand behind automatic weapons with great destructive power and become a tool for a small number of people to oppress the majority.

At the inauguration of the Center for the Future of Leverhulme at Cambridge University, UK, at the end of 2016, Professor Hawking called for research and discovery of consequences from the rapid development of AI.

He stressed the huge potential benefits and technological revolution that could help handle some of the damage that industrialization caused to nature."In short, success in creating AI can be the biggest event in the history of our civilization. But this could also be the last event unless we try to avoid risks." Professor Hawking said.