The race for the brain of physics genius Stephen Hawking

Scientists are eager to get the brain of physics genius Stephen Hawking to decipher the secret.

According to the Daily Star, university scientists and hospitals, medical research centers have expressed their wish to preserve the brain of Stephen Hawking's physical genius before the funeral takes place.

They believe that the process of analyzing the brain of one of the world's most famous physicists will help explain why Mr. Hawking could live 55 years more after suffering from neurological disease.

Picture 1 of The race for the brain of physics genius Stephen Hawking
Physical genius died last week at the age of 76.

Museums around the world also want to have a piece of physical genius brains to display. Most likely, physics genius Stephen Hawking will follow the path of another great physicist, Albert Einstein.

Einstein's brain slices are still on display around the world.

Sources from the Oxford scientific community and Cambridge believe that the Hawking family should be prepared to face such suggestions.

'There's always a movement to keep the bodies and brains of celebrities, geniuses. This comes from ancient Egypt with mummification , according to the Daily Star.

It is unclear whether the family of physical geniuses agrees to allow Stephen Hawking's scientific institutions, museums, and medical centers to preserve the brain.

Professor Stephen Hawking died last week at the age of 76. Scientists have long known that his brain is aging slower than other men of the same age.

Mr. Hawking has suffered from unilateral sclerosis (ALS) since he was 21 years old. Doctors predict that he will only live for another two years, but the physical genius has survived more than 50 years, leaving many precious legacies for humanity.