The world-famous chess player lost to Golaxy before, artificial intelligence 'made in China'

Well-known artificial intelligence is an opportunity "for players to learn, better understand and enjoy Go Go at a deeper level".

China has a private player named Golaxy named AI . Last week, it beat Chinese chess player Ke Jie ; It was this accomplishment that made Golaxy equal to the AI ​​player from Silicon Valley. Remind you: last year,

Picture 1 of The world-famous chess player lost to Golaxy before, artificial intelligence 'made in China'
Ke Jie and Golaxy confront.

Golaxy officially went online on April 12, winning 28 of the 30 games it participated in, including winning the world No. 1 player, Park Junghwan from Korea. Golaxy is backed by the investment company NCF Group, and is believed to be ahead of its retired predecessor, AlphaGo.

According to President Jin Xing, who backed the project, Golaxy can reach the level of AlphaGo with fewer players, minimizing the amount of resources needed to use it as a training tool for players. other."Yes, it is possible to play a very different game. For example, it can play and keep winning once it creates an advantage," Jin said. "This goes beyond the framework that created AlphaGo."

Picture 2 of The world-famous chess player lost to Golaxy before, artificial intelligence 'made in China'
Last year, AlphaGo also defeated Ke Jie.

The chess game between Golaxy and the player Ke Jie is not only a display of the AI ​​technology power of the Chinese people, but also encourages people that complex processes like machine learning can be effective enough to apply. into other professions. That is Lin Jianchao's judgment, chairman of the Chinese Go Association.

Besides Golaxy, there are many other Go-go AI programs in China, including the tech giants like Alibaba or Tencent. Tencent has a program called Fine Art , has won the Computer Go Cup 2017, held every year in Tokyo, Fine Art beat Ke Jie in January this year. On Monday, Fine Art officially became the official go-to training program for China's national Go team.

Picture 3 of The world-famous chess player lost to Golaxy before, artificial intelligence 'made in China'
AI technology is increasingly developing, Go game will change.

Maybe many people are sad, even anxious to see artificial intelligence constantly defeating people in Go. But according to President Jin, AlphaGo, Fine Art or Golaxy are opportunities "for players to learn, understand and enjoy Go Go at a deeper level".

"2017 marks the first year of go-learning by artificial intelligence," said Li Zhe, a winger. He added that because AI technology is growing, the Go game will change, players will have new ways that have never appeared before, have not even been thought of.

"Thanks to artificial intelligence, Go and the culture around it will have a new development tool," Li said. "The way to take advantage of AI to the highest potential and now it will be a key obstacle to every go player in the Go game".