What is 'Artificial Intelligence' AlphaGo is that makes people admire?

What is AlphaGo? Why is AlphaGo so popular among people? What made the AlphaGo artificial machine win a go-go chess champion? Your questions will be answered in this article.

What is Alphago?

AlphaGo is a computer software (in the form of artificial intelligence) developed by Google's subsidiary DeepMind in LonDon, England at the end of 2015. It's quite surprising that the head of the company is chess prodigy Al Demis Hassabis. As of now, the amount of go-to-go games that AlphaGo has entered has made it an experience equivalent to 80 years of continuous Go. A surprising and admirable figure.

AlphaGo's algorithm analyzes probabilities based on probabilities and associates with rule sets, making it possible for the software to produce the right move. AlphaGo is designed to simulate human brain activity, which can analyze lessons from mistakes to make better plans for each later play.

Picture 1 of What is 'Artificial Intelligence' AlphaGo is that makes people admire?
AlphaGo has the ability to self-study, remember the opponent's steps.Through it, he taught himself the chess moves that no one could predict.AlphaGo is no different from humans.

First, AlphaGo is provided with a game database by the developer. On this basis, it was able to win 57%, much higher than other programs at 44% rate.

The next step, the self-study program moves away when AlphaGo plays chess with itself. Step by step, this intellectual program will find the law to go to victory.

Deep Mind researchers call the program a sequential learning algorithm. Researchers are not only surprised at this victory but also about the program algorithm.

Picture 2 of What is 'Artificial Intelligence' AlphaGo is that makes people admire?
Deep Mind researchers call the program a sequential learning algorithm.

The algorithm in Alpha Go has 12 layers, each artificial nerve point called a neuron connected to the next point and the layer near it. As the information passes through these points, the connection between them increases and changes the structure of the network. In order to train the program, they will be provided with input data and the output signal will be verified. Correct steps will be recorded, step by step the program will learn how to produce more and more correct calculations.

Deep Mind's David Silver thinks that with random elements in the search process, the ability of the program to make mistakes is still there. However, they will improve over time, reducing the chance of making mistakes.

On January 27, 2016, Nature published a shocking news about Alpha Go, the 5-0 victory over Asian Goer Fan Hui. Earlier, AlphaGo won 494 matches in total. 495 before other chess software.

Alphago and the future

AlphaGo's victory not only demonstrates the power of machines, but also proves the superiority of the new processing algorithm, paving the way for the first advanced development steps of the artificial intelligence system (AI). But AlphaGo was not born just to play games. What Google Deepmind project aims to use is artificial intelligence to serve daily life.

Through AlphaGo and the Google DeepMind project , Mr. Demis Hassabis, Google Deepmind Project Manager wants to apply artificial intelligence in practical important applications. Studies on neuron networks have been successful, and in the future they can be applied in practice. In short, it will be virtual assistants on smartphones. In the medium term, these can be disease diagnosis systems, predicting weather and natural disasters. In the long term, Hassabis aims to use super-smart computer systems to help people make breakthroughs in scientific research, which would normally take centuries but can be shortened only. few years left with artificial intelligence.

Picture 3 of What is 'Artificial Intelligence' AlphaGo is that makes people admire?
AlphaGo is thinking in a human way, but much faster.

AlphaGo is thinking in a human way, but much faster. Thanks to the development in human creativity, artificial intelligence AlphaGo and built on the simulation of human brain activity, can intensive thinking easily surpasses humans in any pure logical test Which drug, but integrated ability to learn, in addition to access to huge data sources, AI will own the ability to self-study in depth, causing a scary story 'machines have gone far beyond humanity. , science fiction has become a reality '. Even some people doubt whether AlphaGo will lose the next few games to avoid causing suspicion in people about its desire to rule the world.

In fact, although machines outperform us in many ways, they are still only tools used by humans. The real danger of artificial intelligence (AI) like AlphaGo is not at the risk of humanity domination, but it makes us lose our fighting spirit and sense of purpose.

Besides AlphaGo's distinctive breakthrough, the big question here is that AlphaGo will move forward with society, improving the quality of human life in the future, or will be.. human "destroyer" comes from their own creations?