Strange brainless creature, with nearly ... 720 sexes

According to Reuters , the mysterious yellow unicellular creature will be "released" to the public on October 19. Although without a mouth, stomach and eyes, this small creature can detect and digest food.

In particular, it has nearly 720 genders; can move without legs and wings and can heal itself within 2 minutes if cut in half.

"Blob is one of nature's mysteries. This creature surprises us by having no brain but it can learn," said Bruno David, director of the Paris Museum of Natural History. .

Picture 1 of Strange brainless creature, with nearly ... 720 sexes
Blob - a small, yellow unicellular organism.(Photo: Reuters)

"If we put an obstacle in front of it, such as salt - what it hates, it will not get over right away, even if there's food after it. Blob will learn how to overcome the obstacle and where it comes from. This process will then be implemented more quickly and strongly by the user.If you merge two blob together, the learned instance will pass on the knowledge to the other one. the rest will know how to overcome obstacles immediately " - Mr. David explained

Picture 2 of Strange brainless creature, with nearly ... 720 sexes
Blob looks like a fungus but act like an animal.(Photo: Reuters)

Blob is named after The Blob in the sci-fi movie "B-movie" - an alien that devours everything in its path in a small town in Pennsylvania.

"We know for sure Blob has no such plan of action but we have yet to conclude whether it is a mushroom or an animal. It works very strangely; looks like a mushroom . but is capable of learning. episodes of animals " - Mr. David added.

Picture 3 of Strange brainless creature, with nearly ... 720 sexes
Blob has the animal learning ability and has nearly 720 genders.(Photo: Reuters)