Strange image: Seals cut shark meat

Photographers from South Africa and Australia have recorded a rare sight when attack seals saw sharks and squid.

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While looking for sharks in the sea near Cape Point (South Africa), photographer Chris Fallows and his divers team were shocked to find the sight of a sea beaver rushing to attack and tear the herd blue shark.

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The seals only eat the shark's stomach and liver. Photographer Chris Fallows explains that seals eat only thick skin and liver because the shark's stomach often contains fish and squid, while shark liver is rich in energy.

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Meanwhile, a group of Australian divers also recorded another sighting of seals.

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Australian photographer Phil Davison recorded a seal that attacked and chewed a huge squid off the Mornington peninsula in Victoria state of Australia.

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Scientists think these are rape events because seals are often attacked by sharks.

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. seals rarely attack squid because they are all predators.

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Seals are chewing on a calamari's tassels.