Strange reproduction of pencil fish: The male looks after the eggs hatch

In nature, there are no fish species that have a special way of reproducing like pencil fish, they jump onto the water surface and lay their eggs on the foliage.

Pencil fish, also known as jumping fish , often live in the clear waters of the Amazon jungle. Due to being too familiar with natural life, fish pens are quite picky.

Picture 1 of Strange reproduction of pencil fish: The male looks after the eggs hatch
The pencil fish jumps out of the water and sends the egg into the nearby leaf blade.

Even a few pairs of pencil fish can spawn when kept in the house. The cause of this is attributed to their strange reproductive habits .

In the fertile season, each pair of pencil fish will pair together. Unlike other fish that lay their babies in discreet or hidden eggs, pencil fish jump out of the water and send eggs to the leaves of nearby leaves .

Because males are strong and have longer fins, it is the "support" of the female to jump up and help the female cling to the leaf blade. However, the male is also very harsh, because after the egg is born, he is not afraid to chase the children away.

After that, the male will look after the eggs until the eggs hatch, and they will keep watch and keep feeding the eggs continuously by waving the water on the leaf blade.

Only when the baby has hatched, does the male pencil fish leave.