Strange sharks show up in the Pacific Ocean

Scientists have discovered a deep-water spotted shark in the Pacific Ocean.

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Bythaelurus giddingsi, the name of the new species of the cat shark family, was discovered near Ecuardor's Galapagos Islands. They are animals that humans never knew. Researchers at the California Institute of Science in the US only see them after their submarine dives to a depth of about 500m. Their skin is dark brown, and the spots are dark green, Livescience reported.

'We looked out the window that day and saw spotted sharks. At that time, we could not believe our eyes, "said John McCosker, chairman of the California Institute of Marine Biology's Department of Marine Biology.

Picture 1 of Strange sharks show up in the Pacific Ocean
A spotted shark near the Galapagos Islands. (Photo:

McCosker estimates the largest spotted shark he sees is about 0.6m in length - the average size of the cat shark.

A chase takes place after researchers see spotted sharks, as the fish always try to hide when the submarine approaches it. Finally the suction device of the ship caught the animal. The researchers then arrested 6 more children.

Unlike many sharks that humans have known, Bythaelurus giddingsi sharks are distributed randomly. So we will not see any two sharks having identical spots in size and arrangement. The team only saw them near the Galapagos Islands.

'Finding new sharks in an era where sharks around the world are extinct are something really funny and bitter. 90% of the sharks in the ocean more than half a century ago have disappeared forever , "McCosker commented.