Strange technology: Austrian 'stealth' time

American scientists have developed a kind of "cloaking" of time, capable of hiding the entire event that takes place before the ordinary.

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According to a research report published in Nature, the new product differs from other "invisibility" shirts in that it hides events that happen in real time, rather than merely tangible objects. in space.

Invisibility here is understood as the ability to hide objects or events from the visibility of other people / objects. It can be applied to different light or sound frequencies. For example, stealth fighters can make enemies' radar difficult to detect.

The team from Purdue University in Indiana, USA has proven they can "turn" events that occur on the path of a continuous light by creating "many time loopholes" . It all happens in light beams moving faster than the human eye can see. Their method is to split the light, speed up part of the light and slow down the speed of the rest of the light to create a hole, and that hole is the place to hide the event from happening.

Picture 1 of Strange technology: Austrian 'stealth' time
Time-cloaked "simulated" images not only "evaporate" objects, but the whole event occurs at a certain time.(Photo: AP)

Professor Andrew Weiner, a research author, said: "We were able to push light forward or backward using commercial telecommunications components, under the control of electrical signals. When someone sends high-speed data over an optical fiber in the existing infrastructure, in many cases it's just binary code that includes digits 1 and 0. In their system, they are I was able to conceal sequences 1 and 0. There may be other types of light disturbances, but our invisibility cloak creates an area where humans cannot observe changing light. how".

Mr. Weiner compared how to manipulate a stream of light with a flowing river. He said: "Imagine you occupy an area of ​​that river, then push some water forward and the rest of the water behind to create a hole with no water at all. There can exist one. the dam and we can open and close the dam very quickly to somehow disturb or divert the flow of water.

If we split the water flow, we will not use the dam anymore, making the water undisturbed. And then, we reunited the stream so that they looked like a peaceful river like the original. That's how we control the flow of light. "

Although it is called a "stealth" of time, it is "not a time manipulation, but a manipulation of light" , Greg Gbur, an expert in optical physics at the University of North Carolina. (US) said. The scientist did not participate in the study on the review, this work is a big step in the creation of a perfect invisibility cloak, as it can hide data in 46% of the time.

The study authors emphasize that their "stealth" shirt work has many potential applications, such as making data more difficult to steal, helping to monitor "related information activities". lost trouble " or assisted large governments or companies to manage sensitive, top-secret information.