Strangely birds have 2 heads and 3 mines

On a beautiful day, April Britt lived in Northampton, Massachusetts (USA) to hear strange noises in the backyard.

April Britt found a strange sound when she saw a bird perched on a tree branch. It is a young bird of the Cardinal type that has 2 heads and 3 mines. Strangely, it looks quite similar to the image of Angry Birds in the game.

Picture 1 of Strangely birds have 2 heads and 3 mines

She said she has lived here for 26 years, as an animal and bird breeder, but she has never seen a strange bird like that. She took a photo to save it.

Seeing poor young birds, April Britt put it on a high tree branch for fear of her neighbor's cat. The next morning, I didn't see it anymore. She feared it could not survive in such a state of deformity.

Picture 2 of Strangely birds have 2 heads and 3 mines

Picture 3 of Strangely birds have 2 heads and 3 mines

The strange bird photograph was transferred to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, with the researcher saying: 'This strange bird's chances of survival are very fragile because it is hard to eat. It is very rare, it is very difficult to find a bird like that. In the past 30 years, I have only seen one more like that. It is difficult to explain why it is deformed, possibly due to its mother's lack of nutrients or illness while hatching. '

Reference: Daily Mail