The world's most dangerous bird recorded by Guinness Book of Records

Australian cat-headed ostrich is recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the world's most dangerous bird. They possess a sharp nail like a knife and a strongest force in the species.

Picture 1 of The world's most dangerous bird recorded by Guinness Book of Records

The first Australian ostrich bird belongs to a large, wingless, walking bird family. It lives mainly in the rainforests of New Guinea and northeastern Australia. Females are usually larger and have brighter feathers than males.

Picture 2 of The world's most dangerous bird recorded by Guinness Book of Records

Its feet have extremely sharp claws. The toe of the middle toe can be up to 125mm long. These claws are extremely scary when they use their feet to kick people and objects. If they are attacked, the victim without death is also very serious.

Picture 3 of The world's most dangerous bird recorded by Guinness Book of Records

When grown up, the Australian male-headed ostrich is about 1.5-1.8m tall, the female can reach 2m high, weighs 58.5kg.

Ostrich head can run at 50km / h through the jungle. When running, they raised 2 wings and patted to balance. It can also jump as high as 1.5m. In addition, they are also very talented swimmers .

Picture 4 of The world's most dangerous bird recorded by Guinness Book of Records

They have a horn-like crest , but are actually very soft and spongy, up to 18cm tall. There are many theories about this horn: there are people who tell horns to attract females, to make weapons, to make leaf-brushing tools when running in the forest.

Ostrich is a bird that likes to live alone , except when choosing a partner, laying eggs and seeking food. After mating the female lays eggs away, the male is responsible for warming the eggs.

Cat-headed ostriches eat mainly flowers, mushrooms, snails, insects, frogs, birds, mice and fish.

Picture 5 of The world's most dangerous bird recorded by Guinness Book of Records

This species is described as dangerous to humans and domestic animals, with a lot of documents recording its attacks on humans. It even has evidence that it can kill people by gouging.

Picture 6 of The world's most dangerous bird recorded by Guinness Book of Records

In 2007 the crested ostrich is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the " most dangerous bird in the world ."

Entering the nineteenth century, they were hunted so they were almost extinct. Currently, the number of wild individuals is not much, we can almost only admire them in the zoo.

Picture 7 of The world's most dangerous bird recorded by Guinness Book of Records

Picture 8 of The world's most dangerous bird recorded by Guinness Book of Records