Strangely, fishes like to walk on land

Sometimes to adapt the fish to escape from the water environment to travel, foraging on land. The fish below are all a breakthrough in nature's creation.

1. Lung fish

Picture 1 of Strangely, fishes like to walk on land
Photo: Masahiro Suzuki

The lungfish has the scientific name Dipnoi and is capable of breathing air like terrestrial creatures. Currently, lung fish species live only in freshwater ponds in Africa, South America and Australia.

These are the regions with the harshest climate on the planet, with little annual rainfall and very hot summer temperatures. That makes the ponds and lakes become dry in the summer. Fish and other organisms in a pond are migratory or dry. However, this lungfish can still survive the dry summer by hiding in mud and sleeping in the summer. At this time they will breathe air, and limit metabolism to survive

2. Canned rattan in the Pacific

Picture 2 of Strangely, fishes like to walk on land

This fish has the scientific name Alticus arnoldorum - is a fish that lives on land and can jump very far without legs. This is a sea fish but very strange when they spend most of their time climbing on the rocks.

They move very fast on rocky surfaces using a unique tail-twisting action combined with enlarged pectoral fins and caudal fins to cling to almost any surface. In order to quickly reach a higher surface, they can also twist their bodies and snap their tails to jump far more than their body length.

3. Catfish

Picture 3 of Strangely, fishes like to walk on land

The walking catfish has the scientific name Clarias batrachus, originating from Thailand. This fish uses the ability to breathe in a short time to 'go'. Wet roads or submerged streets are the ideal terrain for this fish.

4. Whale Fishing

Picture 4 of Strangely, fishes like to walk on land

The Whale Fish belongs to the Bong Trang family, widely distributed in many territories in the world, including Vietnam. They often live in bogs near the mouth of the river, and live in cave burrows at the marshes.

Fish are able to move on the mud surface quite quickly, almost running on mud. With the respiratory system with mudskipper lung can breathe on land, when they are underwater, they still breathe with their gills like other fishes.

5. Long nose bat fish

Picture 5 of Strangely, fishes like to walk on land

This strange creature that has a fish-like body but has frog legs may be a long-nosed bat fish known for its ability to jump and land. They have the scientific name Ogcocephalus Corniger with a gill structure that combines two parts: one for breathing underwater and the other for breathing on the air.

Long nose bat fish have a very poor swimming ability but have developed chest and pelvic muscles, which is the advantage that makes this fish able to walk. In addition, they also have the ability to jump and drag people on land.