Strangely, the tree grows only on land with diamonds

Scientists were surprised by the strange properties of this Pandanus palm.

Pandan Tree - A tree that grows only on land with diamonds

Scientists in the United States have discovered a plant with extremely interesting characteristics - that is, just sprouting, growing on land containing diamonds.

Specifically, Pandanus or Pandanus (Pandanus candelabrum) has a similar appearance to the palm, possessing a thorny crust with very diverse sizes, ranging from 1 to 20 meters high.

Picture 1 of Strangely, the tree grows only on land with diamonds

This species appears very much in tropical climates and some on the islands in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. The special and extremely interesting point of Pandanus palm is that they only sprout in the land containing diamonds.

Picture 2 of Strangely, the tree grows only on land with diamonds

During a search of kimberlite rock - a type of diamond-containing volcanic rock sometimes, Stephen E.Haggerty, a geologist from Florida International University, accidentally discovered this feature.

He noticed that on the surface where he dug kimberlite always saw the presence of a special tree. This has helped him quickly find other locations to continue mining kimberlite.

Under each of these special stumps is a fertile soil mixture that contains a variety of minerals. Besides the most notable factor is diamond, the pandanus palm land that can survive still contains remnants from volcanic eruptions, potassium, magnesium or phosphorus - ' scrumptious ' nutrients that are not Every plant is fully absorbed.

Picture 3 of Strangely, the tree grows only on land with diamonds
Diamond is one of the factors in the nutritional source of Pandanus palm.

The discovery of the characteristics of Pandanus palm will be an important step forward to promote the development of diamond industry, especially in the countries of West and South Africa.

However, this work will be relatively difficult, because Pandanus palm bushes are always 'lost' in tropical forests with many giant tree species.

Not only did it help develop the diamond mining industry, this discovery also helped geologists to study the temperature and pressure of the Earth's crust 150 million years ago - the period of a crack. between Africa and South America to create the Atlantic Ocean.