Stunning artwork from nude models

An American artist has created stunning photographs of flowers, birds, worms, butterflies . from nude models.

The author of this beautiful set of photos is the American artist Cecilia Webber. Webber takes pictures of naked models and spends a lot of time grafting them on computers to create artistic pictures on each topic.

After Webber took pictures of the models in many different poses, Webber cut, rotated and corrected the body color and model limbs to create a perfect photo. Each final work is made up of hundreds of different model photos.

Imagination and art arrangement are the most important elements in Webber's works. Webber has created amazing images on many topics such as flowers, insects, animals and birds .

Picture 1 of Stunning artwork from nude models

Picture 2 of Stunning artwork from nude models

Picture 3 of Stunning artwork from nude models

Picture 4 of Stunning artwork from nude models

Picture 5 of Stunning artwork from nude models

Picture 6 of Stunning artwork from nude models

Picture 7 of Stunning artwork from nude models

Picture 8 of Stunning artwork from nude models

Picture 9 of Stunning artwork from nude models

Picture 10 of Stunning artwork from nude models

Picture 11 of Stunning artwork from nude models

Picture 12 of Stunning artwork from nude models

Picture 13 of Stunning artwork from nude models