Successful invention of a clean electric furnace

Researchers at the University of Washington (USA) have invented a type of thermonuclear reactor capable of producing clean electricity at a low cost.

It is known that fusion reactors cost much less than using fossil fuels.

Picture 1 of Successful invention of a clean electric furnace

The experimental fusion reactor is called Dynomak . This model works in a manner similar to how the sun or stars release energy, ie under very high temperatures or pressures, the nucleus of light chemical atoms, such as Hydrogen will melt, producing high heat. From there will produce electricity.

Thomas Jarboe, Professor of Physics, said: 'This is essentially an endless source of energy. Moreover, this is also a clean energy source because it has no radioactive waste and no greenhouse effect. This is indeed an ideal source of energy. '

According to the researchers, the technique used in the fusion reactor will produce clean electricity with large reserves. In addition, thanks to the initiative to control the flow of electricity directly into the plasma flow, the University of Washington's fusion power production technology also significantly reduces investment costs. Scientists say fusion power will soon be put into practice in the next few decades and can completely compete with fuel sources such as oil or gas.

Building nuclear reactors is an ambitious big project that attracts scientists and investors from 25 countries for billions of dollars.