Successful testing of chemicals helps human eyes to look like cat's eyes

A person who possesses keen eyes in the dark like cats is the only thing that appears in movies, however, according to the latest scientific news, researchers have successfully tested a compound that turns this into something. real.

Chemicals help the human eye as cat eyes

According to recent scientific information, a group of independent researchers called Science for the Masses, California, USA discovered the chemical called chlorin e6 (Ce6) that could help boost the hype. force for a short period of time, helps people with vision similar to cats, see clearly in the dark. This compound can be extracted from green apples and some other plants.

Initially, Ce6 was used to treat cancer, but members of the team found a special effect of Ce6 that no one knew. That is to increase temporary vision for a short time .

Picture 1 of Successful testing of chemicals helps human eyes to look like cat's eyes
Science news reveals the ability to help human eyes like cat eyes

After injecting a Ce6 amount of about 50 micro-liters into the eye conjunctival sac, the area between the eyelid and the eyeball, volunteer Gabriel Licina said he could see exactly the shape of the objects inside. darkness with a distance of 10m , the effect occurs almost immediately. Even Gabriel said he could walk freely in the dark forest and found someone from a distance of 50m. This effect only lasts for a few hours , after which Ce6 will dissolve and Gabriel's vision returns to normal.

Picture 2 of Successful testing of chemicals helps human eyes to look like cat's eyes
If long-term success, this will be a precious scientific news

In cats, the muscles around the pupil are formed to allow the eye to narrow into a vertical slot in him that is weak and fully expanded in dim light to receive maximum light to the eye . In addition, a layer of reflective cells behind the cat's retina (English name Tapetum) functions to reflect incoming light and push light back to the cone, creating more light. Also by the tapetum department, when the weak light reaches the cat's eyes, the eyes shone with a brilliant blue. Ce6 probably when injected into the eye will create the same effect, helping the human eyes have the ability to receive better light, bringing focus light on the cones in the eye.

If successful, its application will be very extensive, it can assist rescuers in the night, increase visibility for people who often have to go to the forest . Not only that with this discovery, scientists They can also find chemicals that enhance other body's abilities, not just vision. Perhaps someday there will be no boundaries between fiction and reality movies.