Successful women make men upset

Deep down in the subconscious, the self-esteem of a man can be hurt when his wife or girlfriend proves to be superior to them.

The man feels more hurt when his 'other half' succeeds than when they fail, no matter which field it is. In contrast, women's self-esteem is not affected by the success or failure of their partners. This is a result of the online research of Personality and Social Psychology magazine, to understand the gender difference between men and women in the US and the Netherlands.

'A man often feels weak if his' other half' performs better when they do the same job, such as losing weight. This study finds evidence that men see for themselves the success of women as their failure, even when not direct competition , 'said Dr. Kate Ratliff of the University of Florida, who stands Early research said.

Picture 1 of Successful women make men upset
Men are often unhappy to see their partners succeeding over them.(Artwork: CNN)

In an experiment with 32 couples from the University of Virginia, participants were given a 'problem solving and social intelligence' test , after which they were told their 'other half' lay of the top 12 or 12 people at the bottom of the table. To test hidden unconsciousness, scientists use a computer to monitor the participants' self-esteem through word signs displayed on the screen.

Scientists found that men who were notified of their girlfriends scored among the top 12, feeling less self-esteem than those who knew the girlfriend was among the 12 ranked people. end of the table.

The results are similar to the other two studies conducted in the Netherlands. The Dutch are always proud of being a country with the smallest gender gap in many fields. However, the results in the Netherlands are no different from those in the United States. The eyebrow always said it felt normal but when checking the hidden unconscious, that was the opposite.

Contrary to men, women in these studies always say that they feel good when their boyfriend or husband succeeds, and they do not like to see men's failure.