Successfully crafted the Star Wars R2-D2 toy robot

Picture 1 of Successfully crafted the Star Wars R2-D2 toy robot The famous robot maker, Hammacher & Schlemmer, has successfully built a voice-controlled robot, shaped like the famous robot R2-D2 in Star Wars.

The robot is also called R2-D2, which can roam around the home or office to keep people entertained during stress. The R2-D2 can perform more than 40 voice commands, most of which are directional commands such as right-turning, left-turn, go around, follow someone or go find someone in the room.

The most useful R2-D2 robot is the ability to ... keep the house as a dog. It will 'patrol' around the house and will automatically ring the alarm in the robot in case someone enters.

The R2-D2 is about 38 centimeters tall and is as cheap as a high-end toy, at just $ 120.