Strange object resembles a mysterious ship on Mars

NASA's Curiosity Rover probe captures the image of a mysterious object on Mars, shaped like a Star Destroyer in the famous Star Wars movie.

Curiosity Rover probe ship detected mysterious objects on Mars

Scott C Waring, expert on mysterious ship discovery UFOs when watching the latest snapshot of the Curiosity Rover probe. " The black stain on the image looks like an unidentified flying object. The spacecraft is about 2.5 - 3 m wide, so there is only enough space for a few people, " RT said Wednesday Waring.

Picture 1 of Strange object resembles a mysterious ship on Mars
The mysterious object on Mars is shaped like the Star Destroyer in Star Wars.(Photo: NASA.)

The strange object has a very similar shape to the Star Destroyer in the Star Wars movie. However, the fictional ships on the screen are many times bigger than Waring's "ship" discovered.

Picture 2 of Strange object resembles a mysterious ship on Mars
Star Wars Star Destroyer Star.(Photo: Lucasfilm / Absolute Film.)

According to Sputnick News, the ship may be the result of pareidolia hallucinations when people tend to imagine familiar images from unrelated objects. The mysterious ship in the photo is most likely just a stone.