The strange picture is a UFO on a 400-year-old mural

Visitors to the ancient church of Transylvania, Romania are amazed at the strange object that resembles a flying saucer in a 4-century mural.

According to Mirror, the decoration on the church wall first appeared in the 17th century after it was burned. However, Nicolae Tescula, manager of the historic museum of Sighisoara, thinks that an unidentified object in the picture may be the way the artist portrays paradise.

Picture 1 of The strange picture is a UFO on a 400-year-old mural
Drawings like UFOs on church walls.(Photo: Catalina Borta).

Before the drawing hypothesis showed the first sign of aliens on Earth, Tescula said the Gospel church. The painting in the church's ceremony room shows a religious scene with a cloud image, possibly a way of describing paradise, making modern people think of UFOs (unidentified flying objects).

According to Tescula, the painting is the work of a Sighisoara painter."Many people say it is a UFO, it looks like a UFO, it's a picture of a painter. This picture is similar to Leonardo da Vinci's paintings with many interpretations , " Tescula said.

Picture 2 of The strange picture is a UFO on a 400-year-old mural
Monastery Church in Transylvania, Romania.(Photo: Wikipedia).

The church is located in the center of the citadel, burnt twice since it was built 700 years ago. That's why church furniture has many different styles, according to Romanian Insider.