Mr. Huynh Van Chuong said he saw and filmed a 10-minute video about an unidentified flying object (UFO) on the evening of January 7.

When digging coal mines in China's Jiangxi Province, the workers discovered a strange block of rock, in the shape of a disk, in the middle of the protrusion. Continue digging from

A video posted on a popular channel on conspiracy theory on Youtube - SecureTeam10 - shows that Russian miners unearthed a strange flying saucer.

Only about 5% of worldwide UFO sightings can be classified into this group because they are unidentified flying objects.

Cases that caught UFOs from cone-shaped blue light trails appeared in the sky to a strange spaceship cloud that often caused fever on the Internet, drawing a lot of controversy

NASA will test a unique device with the same shape

According to the latest science news on the Daily Mail, NASA will continue new tests this year with the device

A spiral galaxy is called

During his tenure, many US presidents were seriously interested in flying saucers and aliens. The information in the article below is sourced from the decrypted records of the

Recently, Russian media has published images of a unique flying device of Russian designers in the 1990s that are now stored in a secret factory.