Super large flare detected from red dwarfs

The US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has discovered a dazzling 10,000 times more intense than the most powerful dazzle ever recorded in the history of the sun.

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Picture 1 of Super large flare detected from red dwarfs
NASA noted the unbelievable activity of dazzling at DG CVn - (Photo: NASA)

The flare from the sun can knock down the electric network on Earth and interrupt telecommunications communications.

However, for what NASA has just witnessed in the neighboring red dwarf star, our central star seems to behave very nicely with the Earth inhabitants.

According to, a member of the twin star system DG Canum Venaticorum (abbreviated DG CVn ) about 60 light-years from Earth has launched a series of the strongest, hottest and longest dashes ever recorded, with at least 7 bursts on this star surface within two weeks.

At peak stage, the dazzle on DG CVn's red dwarf reaches a temperature of 200 million degrees Celsius, which is 12 times hotter than the core of our sun.

Astronomers estimated DG CVn was born about 30 million years ago, meaning that its life is not equal to 0.7% of the age of the solar system.

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