Sweat shirt deodorizes sweat

Japanese clothing makers have launched special shirts and are becoming fashionable. These are the branded Otoko Kaoru, in Japanese means 'fragrant man'.

Picture 1 of Sweat shirt deodorizes sweat
Otoko Kaoru's shirt smells of roses. (Photo: Techriot)

Picture 2 of Sweat shirt deodorizes sweat
Otoko Kaoru shirts are becoming fashionable. Photo: Thenewspoiter.

The main feature of this shirt is that it removes unpleasant smells from men's sweat caused by the bacteria that live on the skin causing fermentation which also emits roses. Peppermint, luxurious and attractive.

The shirt itself is a product of high technology. Collars have ' assembled ' microscopic capsules inside which contain aromatics. When the collar is rubbed against the skin, the capsule is broken, the scent radiates gradually, the skin absorbs into the smell of the owner itself.

However, they only lose a few capsules each time and they last long in use. After only about 10 times washing clothes smell new and become a shirt ... usually. People thought that, if the shirt is still beautiful, instead of buying a new shirt, just replace the neck is the ' fragrant man ' as the original.

The price of the product is not very high, only about $ 35 / unit but Japan has not exported abroad.