9 think less people know about sweat

Excessive sweating does not make you lose weight, does not help the body to discharge toxins . as many people think.

Here are 9 mistakes when talking about sweat:

Excessive sweating will lose weight

In fact, sweat only reduces the weight of water, you will return to your original weight when you add water to your body.

Excessive sweating is already intense exercise

Excessive sweating during exercise does not mean that you have exercised at high intensity. This may be because some other factors such as clothing, room temperature and metabolic system in the body . determine the amount of sweat secreted.

Sweat causes body odor

Most of us think that sweat causes body odor. In fact, body odor comes from bacteria, not related to sweating or not.

Picture 1 of 9 think less people know about sweat
Photo: Boldsky.

Anti-sweat drug

Many people communicate that antiperspirants can be harmful to health. In fact, scientific research does not confirm the above information.

Waste toxins through sweat

Most of us think that the body can release toxins through sweat. In fact, toxins are usually discharged through the urine. Your sweat contains urea, protein, salt, and water but does not contain toxins that can be released.

Sweating only on hot days

Your body continuously adjusts your body temperature to match the outside temperature. Sweat can spill any time.

Sweat causes acne

Many people believe that sweat causes acne. In fact acne is caused by pores oil that causes inflammation.

Sunscreen reduces sweating

We tend to think that using sunscreen can prevent pores and reduce sweating, in fact sunscreen does not have this effect.

The yellowing on the shirt is due to sweat

Yellow stains on clothes are not entirely due to sweat. Oil secreted from the skin and bacteria that live on the skin causes yellow stains.