Syndrome ... 'dead butt' is a nightmare for many people sitting

Sitting too much can have serious consequences for our health, including dead butt syndrome.

When society develops, job specifics make office people spend most of their time sitting. But the problem is that people are sitting more and more. You drive - Sit! Go to the movies, restaurants - Sit! Mostly when you are at home, you also sit. According to a statistic in the US, that is the common point of at least 86% of the population.

Sitting too much of course will bring many bad effects to the body, maybe even cause you to die early. In addition, there is a feeling that anyone who has been sitting for hours in a chair can recognize: frostbite one or both sides.

Picture 1 of Syndrome ... 'dead butt' is a nightmare for many people sitting
Sitting too much of course will bring many negative effects to the body.

This does not seem to be a big problem, because this feeling will disappear during the campaign. However, this feeling turned out to be a precursor to a more serious syndrome called "Dead Butt Syndrome".

Your butt can really "die"

"Death butt syndrome" also has another name is Fluteal amnesia (translating as syndrome . of amnesia) . Simply understood, this syndrome makes your ass forget that you are a butt, and the muscles around your buttocks are really paralyzed, unable to react.

According to physiologist Pete McCall, the simple reason is that the sitting posture is tightened around the hips."The flexor is tightened, shortened, and it makes the gluteal muscle unable to function normally. It is a muscle balance, when a muscle is shortened (a flexed muscle) causes another muscle to stretch out. on the opposite side (buttock) to compensate, " McCall said.

Picture 2 of Syndrome ... 'dead butt' is a nightmare for many people sitting
In the sitting posture, the folded muscles around the hips are tightened.

This means that when the flexed hips are tightened, the gluteus will relax to compensate. Gradually, the gluteal muscles are always at such a stretch, creating a "dead butt" syndrome .

Because the buttock muscles relax, so when you need to use the gluteus, it will produce less force, while other parts of the body must be more active to compensate for the buttocks. Consequently, it will cause the hips, knees, and spine to suffer from unnecessary pain.

Are your butt "dead"?

There are several ways to verify this. If you stand upright, but feel that your waist is slightly tilted forward, or when you are lying on your back and can't move your buttocks separately, it's likely your butt . is no longer alive.

Picture 3 of Syndrome ... 'dead butt' is a nightmare for many people sitting
3 types of gluteal muscles.

Fortunately, however, there is a way to revive your table. According to Sara Lewis, director of XO bodybuilding company in Los Angeles, you must constantly work on all three types of gluteal muscle: gluteal medius, gluteal maximus and gluteal minumus.

In particular, the exercises that affect these muscle groups the most are squat, lunge or "heavy" rather than deadlifts (weightlifting squatting).

Picture 4 of Syndrome ... 'dead butt' is a nightmare for many people sitting
Squat is one of the exercises that helps your ass immortal life.

But if you don't have time, you can simply stand up, "tighten" your buttocks for 5 seconds and then release. Repeat 10 times throughout the day, your ass will live up in a short time.