Take a bike with paper

Nimrod Elmish, director of sales for the carton bike project, Israel has introduced a futuristic, low-cost, eco-friendly bike made of carton. Of course, manufacturers believe their products are hard enough, reliable and cheap.

Picture 1 of Take a bike with paper
A super-cheap carton bike.

Nomrod Elmish said the bike was 95 percent carton - the cheapest raw material in the world. The remaining 5% are automobile wheels, reusable boxes. After being cut, the carton board is treated with an organic mixture, which helps the carton not soak and burn.

According to him, the first test vehicle is soaked in water for several months, but still retain the hardness. Izhar Gafni, inventor and developer of this carton bike, said, "When I held the cardboard in my hand, I tried to overcome the disadvantages of this material. The first few models looked like the boxes on the wheels.

Nimrod Elmish said that this invention will bring many new things. He is also confident that within five years, carton bicycles can replace bicycles that have come to retirement . Elmish and Gafni believe that one day cartons could be used to make cars and even aircraft.