Technology contributes to promoting light revolution

A piece of thin plastic film that conducts electricity and creates solar energy will be the foundation of the lighting revolution and design of clothing - An international research project on organic valuable light-emitting devices Demand is being implemented and can bring technical efficiency and reduce the cost of billions of pounds per year for lighting.

Because these devices are quite thin and flexible, for the first time the light and electronic display is created on most materials, so fabrics and packages can display electronic information. .

The effects of lighting devices turn out to be many times more efficient than light bulbs so that the fabrics change color whenever they are the latest soccer results shown on the Beer cans.

Currently, these devices are being used as display screens on mobile phones and MP3 players, but they still do not have enough authentication for larger screens such as TVs and microphones. Because they will stop working after only a few months.

Currently international project research experts run by Bath UK University have begun to implement a 3-year project at a cost of up to 850,000 pounds ($ 1,700,000) to help science-based devices. Study more firmly and effectively enough to produce widely.

The project organization called back Modecom includes 13 research groups of 9 universities and 2 companies including 3 groups from UK, 6 groups from USA, 1 group from China, Belgium, Italy and Denmark, currently Research members of Europe and China are supported by the European Association.

Picture 1 of Technology contributes to promoting light revolution

Since these devices are quite thin and flexible, for the first time this light and electronic display is created on most materials, so fabrics and packages can display electrical information. death.(Photo: Sciencedaily)

The device comes from a number of macromolecular compounds that have unusual properties used to convert electricity into light or light into electricity according to the modes of making devices.

Because these compounds are thin and flexible, they are used in many ways.

  1. Like a transparent window that resembles a normal window, but when it is dark a switch is opened and the entire window glows with a method that is more efficient than conventional or energy-saving light bulbs. This saves a huge cost.
  2. In apparel technology it can help change colors only by pressing a button.
  3. In the textile industry, there are pieces of polime that draw out solar energy, allowing new electronic information to be displayed, and will be useful for emergency services like police or ambulance.
  4. In the packaging technology, common products can be used to show electronic announcements such as health warnings and processing and can glow.
  5. Is the solar power source for prepaid mobile phone batteries.
  6. A popular solar collector and storage device suitable for the power needs of some remote areas such as outdoor research specialists, climbers, sailors or military personnel. team.

In collaboration with the project, Dr. Alison Walker, of the University of Bath's Department of Physics, said that this is a long-term project, and requires a lot of research experts to succeed, Experimental philosophy will evaluate the effectiveness of devices, but it is difficult to assess their reality right now, they are using computer models with sharper images to play theory development.

Because it requires us to do everything we can to reduce energy costs to the lowest level, successful manufacturing of cheap, efficient and durable equipment is essential.

Polime is formed from a chain of organic carbon molecules. Electrons and holes are fed into plastic films that form states called excitons that break down the electrical current and glow.

Dr. Walker 's research uses a mathematical technique called Monte Carlo analysis using obvious data generated by computers to graph electronic, hole or exit paths as they move through. film sheet.

Research results will be used to calculate the chemical structure and impurity effects to the device's performance. Chemical experts can also use this data to create more effective materials.

Modecom will conduct research on molecular level as well as work on the entire device. The study also helps to realize polymer materials used in flexible electronics with applications such as electronic paper or smart labels in grocery stores.

Anh Phuong